Everything you need to know about Biosttek Glass Enclosures

Everyone likes to sitting outside the bars or restaurants to eat, drink, sunbathe, etc. Therefore, it is not unreasonable to think about doing this during the whole year. Many cafes and restaurants open their terraces throughout the year, even in winter, to enjoy the sun .. Terraces, patios and porches are usually spaces to be enjoyed during the warmer months of the year, but are not used in the cold months; today we have a solution to this problem: Biosttek Glass Enclosures. Mainly, it is essential to adapt the installation to our needs, we need to be clear what we want, and what are our possibilities, with it, will reach the expectations.

  • Biosttek Glass Curtains system closes covered structures without profiles. Glass curtains can be developed for most types of property with a terrace, balcony or patio of any shape and size or special design. All you simple need is a ceiling. Glass curtains are available in all height and widths and can be opened from the left or right without obstructing access. You will enjoy the room all year round and it will also increase the value of your property.
  • Biosttek Sliding glass doors are a classic system that is still in force. There is now the possibility of improving the insulation if chosen thermal break option. It’s possible to opt for a two-color design, important advantage when living in apartment buildings; you can have a color on the inside and other on the outside.
  • Biosttek Folding system is the most versatile, as it will accommodate preferences and requirements of each occasion on housing or commercial. Combine the number of glass sheets for the opening you want. Furthermore, folding the sheets can be both inwards and towards the outside in either of the combinations. With this system you’ll get the maximum space.
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