El dilema de elegir colores para pintar una casa

How to choose the color to paint your house

When the time to paint your house reaches, it’s hard to know what color to choose, so, in many cases, many times you just paint the same color as before again… So in today’s post we’ll give you some tips to choose the color of your walls as tonality, material and finish of the floor of your house.

If you have a dark floor can paint the walls in light colors, thus extends the room width. Conversely, you can also combine light walls with dark ceiling making the room wider and less high ceilings. If you have a light-colored floor, you should paint the walls in dark colors, this way the horizontal lines of the room will highlight. On the other hand, if you have light-colored floor, paint ceilings and walls on light colors that give a sensation of vastness. Or rather it can make it cool and impersonal. You can also mixing a variety of shades of colors:

  • A light colored floor and a light colored back wall, dark side walls and dark ceiling create a tunnel effect.
  • A dark background wall, side walls and a floor in light tones, reduce the depth of space.

As you can see, the floor becomes very important when choosing the color to paint your house.</sp

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