Aprende a limpiar aluminio

How to clean your aluminum r

Aluminium materials are characterized by their lightness, strength, corrosion resistance and high durability. However, despite its high durability and corrosion resistance, some simple steps should be employed when handling and cleaning your aluminium roof to avoid staining and damage and extend its service life: Necessary for cleansing:

  1. Wather
  2. Soap
  3. Damp sponge or cloth
  4. Vacuum cleaner

The best way to keep aluminium looking nice is regular cleaning twice a year to remove any buildup of dirt. In cleaning aluminium always start with the mildest method possible and only move to successively harsher treatments if absolutely necessary. The first thing you have to do is remove all dust using a damp sponge or cloth, do not recommend cleaning aluminum with pads that may scratch or harsh chemicals that can damage it. If it is very dirty and you think you need more than water, add soap. After cleaning the aluminium should be washed thoroughly and dried to prevent streaking. Special care should be taken to remove any traces of cleaner from edges and joins. Once you have removed the dust, clean brushes and guides with a vacuum cleaner, if you have a steam cleaner, used for glazed areas. Clean your aluminum roof is as easy, ask for your free quote here to install a Biosttek aluminum ro

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