Works or a transformation at home is always stressful. You will spend much time before, during and after the reform, be patient. We give you some tips from Biosttek: 1. Think carefully: Do not rush to begin the works. Know your goal, set an indicative budget and keep things clear, will greatly facilitate further work. 2. Request different quotations: No matter how simple is the work, do not be confident! Very important: Always ask to be billed with VAT. If is a big reform invoice should be organized by item and materials (plumbing, electrical, carpentry …). This will allow you to deduce works, apply for grants or claim if necessary. 3. Pay attention to the contract: There are many things we could say about it, but let´s focus on three points established by the organizations of users and consumers: – It must be executed in writing a pre-determinate date of commencement of works and another of completion –  Down payment for the purchase of materials should not exceed 30% of the total –  Always leave an outstanding amount to pay for the conclusion of the reform 4. Protect items that may be worn or damaged: If the transport of material is by the staircase, cover stair-banisters, handrails, balustrades or other possible elements to be impaired. If you need to use the elevator, remember to cover it to prevent scratching. If the front door has constant pass of people and materials, lining it is also recommended to avoid surprises. 5. Warn your neighbors you are doing works at home and find out if you need license for it. What you do in your home can affect others, for a significant reform you must notify to your Owners Association. Dust, noise and dirt, can disturb others. Therefore, inform to your neighbors you are going to make works at home at the beginning of reforms, planned start date and end date. 6. Find out about grants, subsidies and tax advantages: There are interesting state aids and subsidies in different administrations provided that energy efficiency of housing will be improved.

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