Tips to paint the house’s façade

To decorate the outside of our house, it is important to take into account our style, the colors we like, the outdoor furniture and budget. From Biosttek we give you some tips that may be useful when deciding to decorate the façade of our house: 1. Measure the area to paint: First of all, it is essential to measure the walls to paint, measure the wall surface and multiply the length by the height to get the square meters of wall to be painted. Having the measurements of each area to paint, we know how much paint we need to avoid the lack. 2. Calculate 3% extra of paint, so, we may combine colors to give different shades to the facade. It is convenient to know the performance of paint to use before buying it to calculate how much will need to complete the job. 3. Choosing the right paint: If it is clear the style we want for the outside of the house, it’s time to select the colors to combine it with the interior. The type of paint will vary depending on the surface. For example, do not paint a cement wall with the same paint than a wooden wall or forging. There is specific paint for each material, for indoor and outdoor surfaces, like paints that prevent rust of forging. If you do not find the specific paint, you can always get decorative paint for interior and outdoor. 4. Try before painting: When choosing the color shades we recommend do testing a small section before applying the whole area to see how it would be on the surface. Note that what you see of a certain color on the façade can change in sunlight or artificial lighting. Also, you should cover the steps, veneer house, metal fittings and joinery windows and glasses to avoid staining the other elements before start painting. In case you are going to combine two colors on the same wall, separate the areas with special adhesive tape. 5. Remove old paint: To do so, use chemical strippers, shovels and scrapers liquids. It also uses a mask to protect you from strong odors or vapor coming from paints. To paint high areas you use a strong ladder and make sure ladder legs rest on a firm, level surface to avoid possible accidents. 6. Treat the exterior walls to paint 7. Level with cement or exterior putty. Sand the wall until is perfect and smooth. To avoid problems of humidity use anti damp patches or hydrophobic compounds paste that protects painting. There are other compounds; you must observe the instruction manual so to get good results. 8. If paint does not absorb quickly, use a paint sealant/fixer.

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