6 Advantages of Polycarbonate Roofs

The polycarbonate sheets are hard plastic, durable, lightweight, easy to mold and tinting in hundreds of colors, giving many possibilities as we can manipulate it in different atmospheres. When covering areas where we wish to maintain the natural light, this is the most suitable material for its properties and advantages. Polycarbonate is commonly used due to its light transmission and its high strength. There are 4 types of polycarbonate: smooth compact polycarbonate, ribbed polycarbonate plates, 5V and fretwork polycarbonate and cellular. Polycarbonate sheets can be installed on different types of structure: wood, metal, aluminum, etc. Installation is not difficult, but requires taking into account some details and due care. Some of the benefits of polycarbonate roofs are:

  • It is a translucent material: It is a plastic that allows normal passage of light, which benefit to buildings where lighting is a critical variable.
  • It is moldable: according to the project where it is required, the polycarbonate can be cut, stretched or bent to accommodate the needs of the work.
  • It is very resistant: the polycarbonate is able to withstand heavy blows or falling objects without cracking or damage, unlike glass that is much more brittle.
  • It is durable: it is well known that plastics have the property of durability, saving on maintenance costs and adding value to the property.
  • Provides thermal insulation: this plastic material is very effective on preventing heat loss, another reason why is widely used in works such as greenhouses or swimming pools.
  • It is lightweight: due to its low weight, polycarbonate does not require complex structures to be supported, which reduce the final cost of the project.
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