“Fibreglass” manufacturing process and properties

The process of manufacturing fibreglass is called pultrusion.

  • For the manufacture of fibreglass, the glass is melted, strain into a container called “espirenette” to obtain super-thin filaments. The espirenette is a very resistant part containing small holes with a diameter of 2 mm.
  • These filaments are impregnated with a chemical coating, which will give the ability to the glass to stick to other materials. The coat of primer protects the fibre to be wound on a drum to form a bobbin or reel.
  • The fibreglass reel is interlaced forming a mesh.
  • Using a spraying system in the next step, fibres are covered with thermosetting resins, which keep the thickness of the product once polymerized.

Fibreglass can be used several times and in different structures, such as swimming pools or water sports equipment, decorative fabrics, construction, in public spaces and industrial uses. Among the advantages is the ease of installation, handling and transport. Fibreglass is characterized for its transparency, high hardness, flexibility and good thermal insulator. When you are in molten state is malleable or handy and can withstand very high temperatures. Some of the many advantages of fibreglass are ease installation, handling and transport, when is in molten state is malleable and handy and can withstand very high temperatures.

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