Here are five tips to cover your terrace

A while ago we talked about the advantages of closing your terrace, today we’re going to give you few tips to choose the perfect enclosure.

  • When it is advisable to close a terrace?

To close a terrace we must consider the extra space we’ll get, we recommend a minimum space of 3×1.5 meters.

  • Consider the orientation of the terrace

You should take into account if the orientation of the terrace is suitable for the reform, depending on where we are located and the weather in the area. In cold and rainy weather areas, southern orientation is suitable because we can have more heat and sunlight for longer hours. In warmer areas the north-facing terrace is recommended, thus avoiding accumulates heat during the day. However, if you live in a warm area and your terrace is oriented towards the south, Biosttek have several possibilities to close it and will always be a good decision, as our sliding roofs.

  • What materials should I use?

Aluminum is the best material to build the structure; has an affordable price and easy maintenance. Wood, for example, has a very difficult maintenance and a very high price. It is also important to choose the right glass; it should isolate from the outside temperature and noise. An example of excellent materials is a roof composed at its 75% glass, giving a beautiful aesthetic touch and very high performance.

  • Remember building permits ONLY FOR COMMERCIAL PRESMISES (Not required for private homes)

Ask for permission to the neighboring community prior to starting any work. Usually, colors and materials to carry out these works are determined; this avoids disparity colors on the walls. In the case that the terrace is in a house or a detached house, you will not have to agree with neighbors. In both cases, depending on municipal regulations, you must apply for a permit at City Hall to allow you to close the terrace.

  • How much will it cost?

Please contact Biosttek Sales Department via our website, by phone or visit our offices in Alzira (Valencia). We will advise you on the product most suited to your requirements and will give you an estimate free of charge and without obligation.

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