Advantages of glass roofs

Penthouses, townhouses, ground floor with garden, swimming pools, terraces, etc. There are many areas from the external surface where you can expand the area of the house installing a glass roof. The best is that this installation does not reduce light in the room, rather provides more light, and are perfectly sealed against rain and wind. It’s a shame to waste extra meters from outdoor spaces of the houses, so we recommend the use of these roofs that also remove dust, cold and noise. 

Regarding the terraces, patios and verandas, are usually pleasant spaces during the warmer months, but are not used when it’s cold. Those areas are noisy and easily accumulate dirt, if we close these spaces with glazed roofs would not present such inconveniences.

Furthermore, the assemblies have been greatly simplified and the profiles improved in enclosures by always using the appropriate systems in each case. Is not the same a terrace overlooking the sea in which the most important thing is keeping a diaphanous space than a terrace which optimal thermal and acoustic insulation is the main requirement. Or finally, a house in which the purpose is to expand the space in the future. It is therefore very important to have clear expectations.

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